Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 17.00

Communication Systems

We design, install and support Voice over Internet Protocol Systems (VOIP) into client premises with estimated savings of around 60%.

Communications are at the heart of business, they are critical to success.

With a number of clients we have been able to identify potential savings through switching supplier or package to provide them with a more effective service through their existing supplier, saving the client money, time and effort.

We design, install and support Voice over Internet Protocol Systems (VOIP) into client premises with estimated savings, of standard telephone services, of around 60% with additional flexibility and support for your changing business needs. We estimate that the payback on the investment for an installation has been less than 6 months.

Internet Service Provision and the quality and cost of it are now major factors in siting of businesses. Working with two of the biggest suppliers in the region we have been able to increase the quality and Upload /download capability of client connectivity. Allowing you to run your business from where you want to.

We have been able to connect client with true broadband in areas where there is little coverage normally.

Sensible IT Solutions Carlisle

01228 212010

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